
Entity Translation - Module

  • Allows (fieldable) entities to be translated into different languages.
  • Entity Translation provides field-level translation, so that site builders can select which fields should be translatable.
  • It provides a UI for users to translate these field into other languages
  • Entity  translation is now in Drupal 8 core.
  • It is not a replacement for the Internationalization (il8n) package.


  • PDO means PHP Data Object; it is a lean and consistent way to access databases. It allows developers to write portable code with ease.
  • Drupal provides a data abstraction layer to provide developers with ability to support multiple database servers easily.
  • The intent of this layer is to preserver the syntax and power of SQL as much as possible, but also allow developers a way to leverage more complex functionality in a unified way.

What is Drupal?

Drupal is a Content Management System(CMS). It's an open source content and free CMS framework written in PHP. It enables you to organize, manage and publish content with ease and comes with a variety of customization option.

Drupal is free, open source software that can be used by individuals or groups of users  to easily create and manage many types of Web sites. The application includes a content management platform and a development framework.